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Master CHESAR to simplify your REACH evaluations

Master CHESAR to simplify your REACH evaluations
Ancre 1


Objectives I Skills and Abilities

Know the obligations under REACH
Know how to use CHESAR to perform a CSA (Chemical Safety Assessment)
Know how to generate a CSR (Chemical Safety Report) under CHESAR
To be in compliance with ECHA expectations


Part 1 - Obligation under REACH towards CSR
Part 2 - Definition and construction steps of the CSA
Part 3 - Occupational risk assessment
Part 4 - Consumer risk assessment
Part 5 - Environmental risk assessment
Part 6 - Creation of the full CSR and compliance with ECHA controls
Part 7 - Q&A I Assessment of competence acquisition through a final quiz

Methodology used

The training is delivered through a presentation containing case studies, role plays and continuous interaction with the expert. The support will be given to the trainees. A final quiz will validate the acquired knowledge.

For better online learning, our training courses are held in small groups of a minimum of three people up to a maximum capacity of 6 people. Our courses are delivered through synchronous learning.



People working in the framework of the REACH Regulation:
- Regulatory Affairs Officer
- Toxicologist
- Ecotoxicologist


Notions on the REACH Regulation.

7 Hours

From 580€

Portrait de la mode

Anna Chelle

Expologist and regulatory toxicologist

Parole de client

« Very good. Very useful information. I will use the slides in my daily work. Anna was very clear and answered our questions. She also adapted to our needs and focused on the most relevant points for us. Many thanks. »

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’action suivante : ACTION DE FORMATION.

A propos de CEHTRA

Nous sommes spécialisés depuis 20 ans dans l’accompagnement des entreprises pour la mise sur le marché de substances ou produits chimiques en France et également en Europe, et hors Europe.

Nos toxicologues, écotoxicologues, chimistes mettent à votre disposition leur expertise pour assurer la conformité réglementaire de vos produits.

Avec une équipe de 70 personnes, nous couvrons une dizaine de secteurs dont REACH, les biocides, les produits phytosanitaires…

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