(Human- & Tiermedizin)
Um die Sicherheit Ihrer pharmazeutischen und veterinärmedizinischen Wirkstoffe und Produkte zu gewährleisten, bietet CEHTRA folgende Dienstleistungen an:
Sicherheit Ihrer Arzneimittelwirkstoffe und Arzneimittelprodukte: Entwicklung, Erstellung & Einreichung von Zulassungsanträgen
Sicherheit Ihrer Arzneimittelproduktion (PDE, OEL/OEB, Bewertung von Verunreinigungen)
Erstellung von Umweltrisikobewertungen für Ihr MAA-Dossier
Ihre Ansprechpartner

Stephane PIERRE, PharmD, PhD, ERT
Head of Pharmaceuticals, Senior Toxicologist Expert

Blandine JOURNEL, PhD, ERT
Senior Ecotoxicologist Expert
Unsere Leistungen
PDE und OEL/OEB Berechnungen
Sicherheitsbewertungen von Verunreinigungen
Vorklinische Gutachten
Sicherheitsbewertung der Arzneimittelproduktion und der Arbeitnehmer vor Ort (PDE, OEL/OEB)
Sicherheitsbewertung von Verunreinigungen in Arzneimittelwirkstoffen
oder Produkten
(ICH- und VICH-Richtlinien)
Entwicklungspläne, Studienüberwachung, Erstellung von Zulassungsdossiers
(CTA, MAA...)
Abdeckung der gesamten Umweltrisikobewertung des Antrages zur Marktzulassung (Dossiererstellung, Studienüberwachung, Verteidigung bei Behörden...)
To ensure the safety and efficacy of both human & veterinary pharmaceuticals, CEHTRA experts support you in your:
CMC activities: PDE (Permitted Daily Exposure) Calculation, OEL/OEB (Occupational Exposure Limit / Occupational Exposure Band) Calculations, Qualification of impurities, Toxicological evaluation of extractables-leachables, In silico assessment (QSAR)
Preclinical development plan: Development plan design, Study monitoring (CROs selection, Validation of protocols & study plans, Study follow-up, Discussion of the results, Review of final study reports), Clinical Trial Applications, Gap analysis
Regulatory dossiers: Authoring nonclinical sections of CTD, CTA, IND, IMPD, Investigator Brochure (IB), Briefing Documents ; Updating & making a Critical Review of nonclinical modules (2.4 & 2.6, module 4) ; Regulatory Toxicology.
Environmental risk assessment: Study monitoring, ERA Drafting (Environmental Risk Assessment, Phase I & Phase II, Module 1.6) & Interactions with competent authorities (EMA, FDA) – Defense of the dossier.
CEHTRA expertise allows you to ensure the:
Production safety by minimizing the risk of cross-contaminations (residual active substances from API) and impurities (residual solvents, elemental impurities, impurities with mutagenic potential, extractables & leachables,…)
Workers’ safety by calculating occupational exposure limits
Patient’s safety by designing adequate development plans and performing robust toxicological evaluations based on in silico, in vitro and in vivo data
With two main objectives:
Safely launch the production of your pharmaceutical product
Obtain the Clinical Trial Autorisation and the Marketing Autorisation (MAA)
In compliance with:
ICH guidelines: ICH Q3A, Q3B, Q3C, ICH M7, VICH GL18, ICH M3(R2), ICH S1A, ICH S1B, ICH S5(R3),…
EMA guidelines: Guideline on HBELs 2014, Guideline on control of impurities of pharmacopoeial substances, Guideline on the environmental risk assessment of medicinal products for human use…
Thanks to a recognized expert team (pharmacists, ERT toxicologists, engineers…)
Meet our Experts in charge of the Régie/Dedicated Support

At CEHTRA, we put our experts at your disposal through our Dedicated Support in pharmaceutical sciences called "Régie"
Experts supported in-house by a team of senior toxicologists
A significant experience with the Dedicated Support:
>30 successful « Régies »
>10 years of experience with « Régies »
>10 on-going « Régies »
Maximum flexibility:
Short-term & Long-term
Extendables & Renewables
Part-time & Full-time
Embedded Staff: Our consultants work from our clients’ site
Extended Staff: Our consultants work from our offices but exclusively for our client
Flexible tariff depending on the expert profile selected (Junior, Specialist, Senior, Expert)
For more information, please visit our "Régie" dedicated web page
Need information or quotation? Do not hesitate to contact us:

Dr Stéphane Pierre, PharmD, PhD, ERT & Head of Pharmaceuticals
Leistungen und Qualifikationen
Kompetentes Team von Toxikologen und Ökotoxikologen (sowie QSAR-Experten)
QSAR-Unterstützung mit Nexus DEREK und Leadscope
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