Master CHESAR to simplify your REACH assessments
Objectives I Skills and Abilities
Understand the obligations under REACH
How to use CHESAR to carry out a CSA (Chemical Safety Assessment)
Be able to generate a CSR (Chemical Safety Report) under CHESAR
Comply with ECHA expectations
Part 1 - Obligations under REACH with regard to CSR
Part 2 - Definition and construction stages of the CSA
Part 3 - Occupational risk assessment
Part 4 - Consumer risk assessment
Part 5 - Environmental risk assessment
Part 6 - Creation of the complete CSR and compliance with ECHA controls
Part 7 - Q&A I Assessment of skills acquired through a final quiz
Methods used
The course is based around a presentation containing case studies, role-playing exercises and ongoing interaction with the expert. Trainees will be given the course material. A final quiz will validate what has been learnt.
To enhance e-learning, our courses are run in small groups, from a minimum of three people to a maximum of 6. Our courses are delivered through synchronous learning.
People working on REACH regulations:
- Regulatory affairs officer
- Toxicologist
- Ecotoxicologist
Notions on REACH regulations.
La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’action suivante : ACTION DE FORMATION.
For 20 years we have specialised in assisting companies with the marketing of chemical substances and products in France, Europe and beyond.
Our toxicologists, ecotoxicologists and chemists provide you with their expertise to ensure the regulatory compliance of your products.
With a team of 70 people, we cover around ten sectors, including REACH, biocides, plant protection products, etc.