Your Specialties, Our Expertise
CEHTRA (Consultancy for Environmental & Human Toxicology and Risk Assessment) is a company of social and solidarity economy (entreprise de l’économie sociale et solidaire), the French leader and number 3 worldwide in technical assistance and regulatory, toxicological and ecotoxicological consulting for the sectors related to the chemicals industry.
Our ambition: To promote biodiversity by meeting the strategic challenges of our clients.
CEHTRA is part of the H2B Group, specialized in testing, inspection and certification related to health and environment issues, on a human scale and with a strategic objective of digital transition.
Our headquarters are located near Bordeaux and is present in Europe and worldwide with agencies in France (Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris), Germany, Belgium, Spain, United Kingdom, Canada and India.
Our project « Chèque transformation Numérique » has received a grant from the European Union under the FEDER-FSE Aquitaine 2014-2020 operational program.
CEHTRA has received a grant co-funded by Comunidad de Madrid and European Union to boost hiring young talents (Impulso a la contratación en Prácticas de Jóvenes para la Recuperación Económica)