As a manufacturer, user of packaging or supplier for packaging manufacturing, you are facing regulatory issues?
For the safety of your packaging substances & products, our team of expert with over a decade of experience can assist you with :
Study of your documentation: declaration of compliance, regulatory statements
Compliance of restricted substances thanks to an internal tool using mathematic modeling
Monitoring of analysis with external laboratories
Evaluation of worldwide regulatory requirements for packaging
New !
Stay Ahead of Substance Migration with SFPP3 and CEHTRAPACK Tools!
Meet our expert

Key Services
Regulatory / safety watch
Customized text list
Toxicological and regulatory substance watch
Mapping by material / geographical area
Regulatory / safety support
Collection of supplier data
Declarations of conformity
Specific topics
Global support
Conduct of laboratory tests
Interactions between packaging and contained products: cosmetics and food
By calculation
By mathematical modeling
Risk assessment of various materials : plastics, papers and boards, adhesives, inks, varnishes, metals, glass…
Regulatory support on international regulations relative to food contact : EU, USA, Switzerland, China, Mercosur…
Editing regulatory specifications and collecting informations from suppliers, documentary diagnosis, help in creation of Declaration of Compliance
Compliance of restricted substances thanks to an internal tool using mathematic modeling, advices and monitoring of external lab tests when necessary
Pragmatic approach to avoid expensive migration or extraction testsExpertise toxicologique
Toxicological expertise
Food contact courses
We adapt our offer to the customer’s need
Value-added Services
Training offer
Regulatory watch
Regulatory and toxicological support
Dedicated support
Packaging data management
Migration / release assessment tools