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Plant Protection Products: from regulation to registration

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Plant Protection Products: from regulation to registration
Ancre 1


7 hours

En ligne


from 580€ (HT)

2 mois






Délais d'accès

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Objectifs I Compétences et Aptitudes

Understanding regulatory procedures for active substances and products
Understanding zonal assessment and dRR dossiers
Understanding the content of dossiers and the pitfalls to avoid


Part 1 - Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
The main points
The different procedures involved

Part 2 - Zonal assessment
Zonal assessment: North, Centre and South zones: similarities and differences
Exchanges between the Notifier and the Competent Authorities

Part 3 - Requirements - The Dossier
New requirements: for which substances? for which products?
Bringing an existing dossier into line with the new regulatory requirements

Part 4 - Case studies

Part 5 - Q&A I Assessment of skills acquired through a final quiz

Méthodes mobilisées

The course is based around a presentation containing case studies, role-playing exercises and ongoing interaction with the expert. Trainees will be given the course material. A final quiz will validate what has been learnt.

To enhance e-learning, our courses are run in small groups, from a minimum of three people to a maximum of 6. Our courses are delivered through synchronous learning.



Regulatory Affairs Officer in charge of Products/Active Substances.


Scientific background. Beginner in regulatory affairs for plant protection products.

Téléchargez la fiche catalogue.


Estelle Beltran

Head of Plant Protection Products


For 20 years we have specialised in assisting companies with the marketing of chemical substances and products in France, Europe and beyond.


Our toxicologists, ecotoxicologists and chemists provide you with their expertise to ensure the regulatory compliance of your products.


With a team of 70 people, we cover around ten sectors, including REACH, biocides, plant protection products, etc.

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